Warhammer 40000 taldeer's quote
Warhammer 40000 taldeer's quote

warhammer 40000 taldeer

The neck runs knew how well that went for them and didn't want the shoe to be on the other foot.Įither that or they were created during the DaoT or by an extinct Xenos species. Wasn't there something in Priests of Mars about the Tindalosi being rogue, breeding hound-like robots with assassin bug mouthparts originally built by the Necrons to keep their enemies from exploiting the other paths of the physical dimensions the way the Necrons did with the Dolmen gates. At best, whatever happened to them it's a plot point for the GM to decide for that particular game, and nothing more. Bolted the moment they made port.Īnonymous 07/28/18(Sat)10:56:48 No.

warhammer 40000 taldeer

Nobody knows how he(?) got there and he doesn't seem to be operating with a full deck any more. He was discovered hiding in the cargo hold of Prince Yriel's flagship. Maybe they were all hunted down by Hounds of Tindalos, maybe they all suffered dimensional fatigue and "fell" away from the load, maybe they were snapped up by the House of Silence, maybe they all intentionally travelled forwards (backwards?) to a point where they would be needed more and never told anyone, maybe they erased themselves somehow but for some unknown reason memory of them remains or maybe they were the subject of mass Necron assassination because they got too close to one of their dimensional experiments.Īll that is known is that as of 999M41 there is only one as of yet unnamed Inquisitor of that Ordo known to still be active.

warhammer 40000 taldeer

If we do anything about the Ordo Chronos it should be never entirely hammered down with certainty what happened to them.

Warhammer 40000 taldeer's quote